Oyinka Yusuff in We’re People Too at the Arcola Theatre, London. Photo by Women’s Writes.
March 6 - April 19 CoCA, Seattle | Cabinet of Fathers installation | Byproduct & Prototype group show
October 23-24 Cinema Village, New York | Soot Darlings at VAEFF
July 18-19 The Jewelbox, Seattle | URGE | Verbooom [Playwright, Director, Voice Actor]
February 8-9 Good Shepherd Center, Seattle | Dragonslayer | ANA Collaborations [Playwright]
November-December Seattle | playwright and dramaturg for Dragonslayer | ANA Collaborations
November 12 Theatre Puget Sound, Seattle | Devising Workshop 1 for Scenes of Violence 7
November 4 Theatre Puget Sound, Seattle | Devising Workshop 2 for Scenes of Violence 7
August 26 Open Flight Studios, Seattle | Open devising workshop | Verbooom
July 14 Frantic Assembly Train course sharing (original text and performance) | LAMDA, London UK
July 4-7 Barons Court Theatre, London | R&D and Industry Sharing for Before, I Talked to Shoes
February 24 Pleasance Theatre, London | Chasing The Light | Glass Splinters | tix
February 11-12 London UK | Soot Darlings | filming
October 25-29 Barons Court Theatre, London | Winter Tales (premier)
September 9 The Bread & Roses Theatre, London UK | Home | Multistory Productions
June 22 Cannes Festival, France | Pressed/Bluebells | Super8 format film
June 20 Barons Court Theatre, London UK | Before, I Talked To Shoes | development workshop
May 22 NYC, NY | Winter Tales | Tiger’s Heart Players | reading
April 2-3 Seattle WA | Before, I Talked To Shoes R&D and staged reading
March 19 Spooky Action Theater, Washington DC | Stef and Arno | We Are Not Alone short play reading series
October 5-9 Barons Court Theatre, London UK | Before I Talked to Shoes | Reboot Festival, Kibo Productions
September 30 White Bear Theatre, London UK | We’re People Too | Project Passion, Velvet Smoke Productions
June 18-July 3 Spring Street Studio, Houston TX | Home | 2020 Five Minute Mile, Cone Man Running
June 6 Real More Real, Seattle WA | Rose and Tom | audio play CMPFR.22c
January 1-31 Arcola Theatre, London UK | We’re People Too | Filmed for Women’s Write Online Festival
January 14 Slackline Productions, London UK | Usher | Written and performed in 24 hours for Slackline Sleepover
November 23 Ego Actus, New York | Pretty Bird | Online staged reading
September 19 The Temple, Atlanta GA | Making Do | Online
August 25 Reflex Theatre, Norwich UK | Stef and Arno | Online scratch night
May 30 Seattle WA | Touch Me and Stef and Arno | Golden Thread Experience
May 27 Slackline Productions, London UK | Plan C | Slackline Cyberstories
April 18-19 Taphouse Theatre, Fort Worth TX | Making Do | Shelter in Place Online Festival
April 4 Theatre is the Cure, San Diego CA | Limbo | Online event
March 13-14 Tada Theatre and Dance, New York | Chasing The Light | Nylon Fusion Theatre Company (postponed)
September 15 Parliament Tavern, Seattle WA | Touch Me | Drunken Owl Theater staged reading
June 26 Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen, London UK | Gathering | BALLS: Acts of Bravery in a Gendered World
May 26 Southwark Playhouse, London UK | Final Proof | Slackline Productions
May 25-27 155 1st Ave, New York | Touch Me | Lower East Side Festival of the Arts
May 20 Pleasance, London UK | Touch Me | Black Cat Theatre The Millennials: Battle of Perspectives
May 8 Lakewood Playhouse, Tacoma WA | When You’re Gone | Northwest Playwright Alliance reading CodeRed Plays #Faith
March 22-23 Tada Theatre and Dance, New York | Touch Me | Nylon Fusion Theatre Company This Round's On Us: Making Sense - Can You Touch (Feel) Me?
March 22, 23, 29, & 30 Mesa Arts Center's Acting Studio, Mesa AZ | It Could’ve Been You | Laughing Pig Theatre
March 28 Phoenix Theater, Minneapolis MN | When You’re Gone | CODE RED: A gun violence protest action - benefit reading
March 15-17 Stage Left Theater, Spokane WA | Now Here | Fast & Furious Festival
February 10 Ruskin Group Theatre, Los Angeles, CA | Farthingale and Reed | Library Girl Presents: I Love You a Thousand Ways
December 13 Drapers Hall Theatre, London UK | Final Proof | Founding Fall Theatre